Pictures can almost always add to your blog design or the post you are writing. There’s bound to be many times when you will want to share something with your readers and only a picture will do.
To add a picture to your blog via Typepad:
- In the Compose Post window where you type your posts, place your cursor on the line where you would like your picture to appear. Sometimes it is easier to write your post first, then add the picture later in order to place it appropriately.
- On the Compose Post toolbar you will see a small, square button that has a picture of a mountain on it (it’s located after the numbered list button). Click it to insert a picture.
- In the window that pops up, under Choose and Image click the Browse button. This will open a new window listing files on your computer. Browse to the appropriate folder, find the file you want to insert and click on it once. Click the Open button.
- That window will close and you will again see the Typepad window. The file path (e.g., C:\My Pictures\picture.jpg) will be in the box under Choose an Image. Next you will need to set your image options.
- Under Set Image Options click Use Custom Settings. The window will expand to show you different options:
- To wrap text, simply check the box next to Wrap Text then choose whether you would like the text to wrap on the right or left side of the graphic.
- Create a thumbnail: Check this box if you would like to make the graphic small than its original size on your blog. In the Width box you can determine how many pixels wide you would like the picture to be. Most pictures fit well when they are 250-300 pixels wide.
- Popup Window: Choosing this option allows readers to click on the graphic in your post to see a larger version of it on a new page.
- Save Settings as Default: Once you have the settings you are happy with, you can set them as your default.
- Click Insert Image
To add a picture to your blog via Blogger:
- In the Create Post window where you type your posts, place
your cursor on the line where you would like your picture to appear.
Sometimes it is easier to write your post first, then add the picture
later in order to place it appropriately. - On the Create Post toolbar you will see a small, square button
that has a picture of the sky and a mountain on it (it’s located after the ABC Check button). Click it to insert a picture. - In the window that pops up, under Add an image from your computer click the Browse
button. This will open a new window listing files on your computer.
Browse to the appropriate folder, find the file you want to insert and
click on it once. Click the Open button. - That window will close and you will again see the Blogger Add Image window.
The file path (e.g., C:\My Pictures\picture.jpg) will be in the box beside Browse. - Under Choose a layout you can decide how you would like the picture to appear in your post (text wrapped on left or right, centered on a line by itself, etc.). Click the circle under the layout you want.
- Under Image size choose whether you would like the image to be small, medium, or large. You may have to experiment with this before you are happy with the outcome.
- Click Upload Image.
To add photos to your blog in WordPress:
(These instructions provided by Jordan at Momma Blogga.)
- In the Write Post window, where you type your posts, place your cursor on the line where you would like your picture to appear. Sometimes it is easier to write your post first, then add the picture later in order to place it appropriately.
- Below the window to write your post is the Upload window. Click on the Browse… button (next to the File text area) to open a window to locate the picture you want on your computer. Select the picture then click Open.
- That window will close and you will again see the WordPress window. The file path (e.g., C:\My Pictures\picture.jpg) will be in the box next to File. Add a title and description to the image, then click the Upload button.
- When the picture is uploaded, select the options you want from the Show: (select thumbnail if the picture is too large for your blog) and Link to: menus, then click Send to editor.
- The picture should appear in the post text box where you left your cursor. Click on the picture once to select it, then click on the Insert/edit image button on the toolbar above (a picture of a tree) to edit the image options.
- In the Insert/edit image window, you can set the alignment of your image (left, right, center of the page or top, bottom, middle of the line it’s on), and the size of the dimensions (to manually resize the border), the border, and the space on the top or sides. If you want the text to wrap around your image, select Left under Alignment.
- Click Update.
itz really effective and good
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